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China(Zhejiang) Forum For E-commerce investment and Financing closed successfully
發佈時間:2017-10-28 22:02:56    

中國網浪潮資訊   10月27日,中國(浙江)電子商務投融資高峰論壇在杭州國際博覽中心圓滿落幕。浙江省商務廳廳長孟剛在會上表示浙江省是電商大省,起步早、發展快、規模大,新業態、新模式不斷涌現,新科技、新技術不斷創新,電商發展始終走在全國前列。

October 27th, China(Zhejiang) Forum For E-commerce investment and Financing closed successfully at Hangzhou International Expo Center. Meng Gang, the Department of Commerce Director in Zhejiang Province,  said at the meeting that Zhejiang province is a big province electricity supplier, started early, rapid development, large scale, new mode, new formats continue to emerge, new technology and new technique innovation, business development has always been at the forefront of the country.



According to statistics, the first three quarters of this year, Zhejiang province network retail 861 billion and 282 million yuan, Year-on-year growth of 35.94%; the province residents network consumption 443 billion and 22 million yuan, Year-on-year growth of 34.59%; with all kinds of active shop more than 79.65 ten thousand, solve about 2 million and 120 thousand jobs directly, indirectly led to about 5 million and 580 thousand jobs, e-commerce is becoming an important engine of Zhejiang Province Economic growth.


The next step in Zhejiang province will conscientiously implement the "13th Five-Year" development plan of Zhejiang Province Electronic Commerce Industry, built  "the core mission of the International Center for electronic commerce around the high level, strong rural electricity providers, cross-border electricity providers and service providers in three key areas; improve rural electricity supplier, e-commerce talents and institutional mechanisms three security elements, and implement the eight action plans and total of 60 key projects, efforts to build Zhejiang Province International Electronic Commerce Center has a global strategic position.


Activity scene also carried out round table dialogue of "electricity supplier capital direction", Shi jiabin, the investment director of Clear and Logical, Lu shuai, the Co-founder and CMO of PingPong, Yang bin, the founder of Zhujia360, Caihua, the founder of Welian, and Huang yuanpu, the founder of IYIOU, combined their own experience and expertise in their own field. On the Internet and e-commerce investment and financing situation, cross-border e-commerce investment and financing development prospect, preferential trade policy and other topics were discussed in depth, for the audience to share unique incisive opinions and suggestions.


The success of activities for the integration of the electricity supplier project resources and provide a platform for exchange of personnel and financing docking mechanism, provides comprehensive support in terms of capital, talent, technology and theoretical research for the development of the electronic commerce enterprise growth. To build the strategic goal of "a capital and four centers" in Zhejiang province at the same time, built the "core mission of the international electronic commerce center", by a thick and heavy in colour.

  (作者張淵 邱玉潔 報道  翻譯張旭)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 邱玉潔    | 責編:丁薩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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