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14th CNMUN opened in Zhejiang University
發佈時間:2017-10-28 21:55:37    

中國網浪潮資訊  10月27日下午,第十四屆中國模擬聯合國大會在浙江大學紫金港校區隆重開幕,此次大會為期3天,大會將圍繞可持續發展議程、氣候變化、性別平等、網路自由與安全、人權保護等議題,對國際熱點問題展開討論和研究。來自全國205所高校的近600名學生代表、大會觀察員與指導教師參會,14位資深外交官擔任嘉賓或評委。

The afternoon of October 27th,the 14th CNMUN had a grand opening in Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University. The conference will be held for 3 days. The conference will discuss and study the hot issues around the agenda of sustainable development, climate change, gender equality, network freedom and security, human rights protection and so on. Nearly 600 students from 205 universities, observers and instructors attended the meeting, and 14 senior diplomats served as guests or judges.

攝影 潘竹濤 韓侑家101-2.jpg

潘竹濤 韓侑家/攝


CNMUN was founded in 2004, which is the highest level and most influential Model United Nations activity in the country. It aims to promote the spirit of the United Nations and cultivate talents with international vision and multi inclusive thinking.


Luo Jianhong, deputy president of Zhejiang University at the opening ceremony, said that Zhejiang University has been committed to the construction of world class universities, to cultivate international vision and innovative spirit of future leaders. The CNMUN has carefully designed the issues of the various committees concerning the current international hot spots, which will further promote the university students' understanding of the international community and strengthen their historical mission.


At the opening ceremony, Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, made a video presentation. Liming, the former Chinese ambassador in Iran, United Arab Emirates, and Holland, read a letter of congratulation UN news agency. The letter pointed out: through the study of knowledge and interpersonal skills, university students can contribute their strength to the UN peacekeeping operations and assurance of human rights and ensure the dignity of people's lives. In accordance with the United Nations Conference on practical rules and procedures of SCIEMUN conference mode, the students will recognize that they are simulating an organization, an organization designed to unite people from all over the world, an organization advocating cooperation rather than competition.

  (作者張淵 丁薩 通訊員柯溢能報道  翻譯杜依依)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 丁薩 通訊員柯溢能    | 責編:丁薩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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