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螞蟻金服推“多收多賺”計劃 3年萬億貸款支援小商家
Ant financial pushes "Collect more and make more money" plans Put trillions of loans to support small businesses in three years
發佈時間:2017-10-27 16:06:06    

中國網浪潮資訊 今天,螞蟻金服正式對外發佈“多收多賺”計劃,包括多收多免、多收多賒、多收多得、多收多貸、多收多保等多維服務。

CNCAO NEWS Today, Ant Financial officially launches a "Collect more and make more money" plan. It includes collect more and more free, collect more and credit more, collect more and get more, collect more and loan more, collect more and safeguard more and multidimensional services.


Yuan lei Ming, the vice president of Ant Financial, said the free service will be extended from March 2018 to March 31, 2021, based on the "Collect more and make more money" plan. Ant Financial will invest special funds to support small businesses to promote and apply mobile payment. The direct and indirect inputs of the above two items will reach 10 billion yuan. In addition, the popular "collect more and loan more" service will provide more than 1 trillion yuan of loans to offline businesses over the next three years.


Small restaurants, small sales, market stalls, wholesale market owners, pancake stalls... These tiny businesses are a “Collect more and make more money" service, and a group that has struggled to reach the financial and precise marketing services.


Take a small shop owner as an example, through Alipay, the "merchant service" platform, can select the source of goods from Alibaba 1688, and buy the goods on credit and pay 30 days later, collect money more, credit line is higher, collect more and credit more. The temporary funds that need to be mobilized flexibly, can "save" in Yu Libao, collect more and get more. Cumulatively, it has generated more than 1 billion yuan for small businesses. Based on the collection, small businesses also have access to the credit loans provided by the bank, collect more and loan more, in need of working capital, can apply for a single key, the loan cumulative has exceeded 16 billion yuan. In the future, collect more and safeguard more will be collected, and the more the revenue will be, the higher the guarantee will be, so that businesses will not have any worries. In addition, small businesses can also enjoy business analysis, capital analysis, business billing and other services.


Ma Dawudai, 23, a noodle shop owner, was ready to open a new store with no money in his hand and the money for the store decoration became his problem. Through the payment of Alipay, "collect more and loan more", obtained the loan of the bank, through the store decoration. Over the course of a few months, Ma Dawudai's loan quota increased from 12,000 to 38,000, with a cumulative loan of 130,000 yuan and also opened branches with relatives.


Fang Weiwen, 50, has been running a barbershop in front of the cell since 2002. In his customers' eyes, they have a solid business, a steady haircut and not cheat the customer to get the card. Fang Weiwen has been using various electronic "little helpers" for a long time. In February, he first applied for a cash charge and skilled use Yu Libao to improve earnings. Collect more and get more, his gains have been more than 6,000.


According to Yuan Leiming, rely on the money code, the multi-dimensional financial service system of this small business is also an open platform. Small businesses need financial services, insurance, loans and other services that are supported by various financial institutions. It will also open up new financial markets for financial institutions.


"We want to work with our partners, starting with each collection to let small businesses enjoy multi-dimensional services equally, let merchants operate from a more diligent, more mindful development to a more intelligent stage, collect more and make more money.” Yuan Leiming said.

  (作者 張淵 李斌 報道翻譯:耿凱寧)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 李斌 報道翻譯:耿凱寧    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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