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浙商銀行:服務外貿新業態 助力企業去杠桿
Zhejiang Merchants Bank: a new form of foreign trade services to help enterprises
發佈時間:2017-10-27 16:03:49    

中國網浪潮資訊 開放型經濟下,金融機構如何服務企業對外貿易、對外投資?近日,浙商銀行圍繞中小外貿企業的融資需求,專門針對外貿綜合服務平臺和外貿公司,推出“涌金出口池”3.0版,為平臺及中小外貿企業提供“1+N”供應鏈融資及池化融資。

How do the financial institutions serve the foreign trade and foreign investment in the open economy? Recently, Zhejiang merchants bank around the financing needs of small and medium sized foreign trade enterprises, specializing in foreign trade integrated service platform and the foreign trade company, launched the "export Yongjin pool" of the 3 version, offering "1+N" supply chain financing and financing platform for the pool and the small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises.


The State encourages the development of foreign trade and industry application "Internet plus" under the background of escalating, in recent years, with new form of foreign trade integrated service platform as the representative have emerged, for small and micro enterprises from the export declaration, commodity inspection, cargo receipt, tax rebates and financing’s "one-stop" service.


Analysts believe that financing difficulties, financing expensive, difficult guarantees and guarantees expensive these problems have became the bottleneck of the development of small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises. Foreign trade comprehensive service platform helps small and medium enterprises to collect foreign remittances, which can dispel doubts of foreign buyers, help suppliers to order, and improve the international competitiveness of small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises. However, due to the characteristics of platform asset management, its own funds can not meet the financing needs of many small and medium-sized enterprises.


According to reports, Zhejiang merchants bank through the bank and enterprises docking platform, data exchange, providing a virtual sub account, automatic collection and batch settlement, paying for online payments and other functions, which need a large number of human turn into system intelligent batch processing to improve the efficiency of operation.


In August this year, Zhejiang Sino-Africa International Trade Port Service Co. Ltd. opened virtual sub account function in "Yongjin export pool" 3.0 system, for each supplier set only sub account. The platform can accurately and quickly identify the foreign exchange proceeds of the suppliers, and exchange settlement, transfer, payment. "Pool export proceeds, automatically credited payment system, a substantial increase in the speed of capital account, can also will be RMB settlement after payment to the supplier, improve their settlement efficiency, reduce capital excess demand. The improvement of settlement efficiency can also reduce the financial cost of enterprises and realize the efficiency of management." The person in charge of enterprise finance said.

  (作者 張淵 李斌 報道 翻譯 宓文文)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 李斌 報道 翻譯 宓文文    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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