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Tmall double 11 will be the "China programme" globalization training ground
發佈時間:2017-10-27 15:52:55    

中國網浪潮資訊  10月26日,阿里巴巴集團CEO張勇在杭州舉行的第二屆全球跨境電商峰會上總結了阿裏集團近年來在全球化戰略上的集中探索,並宣佈今年“天貓雙11全球狂歡節”,將幫助100個中國品牌走向海外市場,從“中國製造”走向“中國創造”,走向“中國品牌”。

October 26th , Alibaba Group CEO Zhang Yong summed up Alibaba Group's focus on globalization strategy in recent years at the second Global Cross-border E-commerce Summit held in Hangzhou and announced this year's “Tmall double 11 global carnival” will help 100 Chinese brands go overseas, from "made in China" to "Chinese creates", to "Chinese brands".


In particular, he stressed that Alibaba is committed to providing a "China programme" for cross-border trade, while Tmall double 11 is bringing this "China programme" to the world.


Zhang yong, the CEO of Alibaba Group, delivered a speech at the second Global Cross-border E-commerce Summit in Hangzhou


  Tmall double 11 helps "make in China" to "Chinese creates"


Zhang yong said in his speech that founded in 18 years, Alibaba has been working on the principle of "making it easier to do business" to help small and medium-sized enterprises find trade opportunities through transparent, flat Internet. Alibaba also hatches Tmall international, China's largest cross-border import retail platform, which helps more than 15,000 brands in more than 60 countries go to Chinese consumers.


In recent years, a large number of Chinese brands have established good supply chain, commodity production and design capacity, but still have distance from overseas market. Chinese brands are still holding the most traditional way overseas. However, Alibaba's mature logistics, service, payment, credit and user system are helping Chinese brands to move to a broader overseas market.


"Through Alibaba, we hope to be able to help Chinese brands that have real ability and reflects the Chinese style abroad, from" made in China "to" Chinese creates", "Chinese brand", to help them build influence in the world market." Zhang Yong said.


  "Five global" push the goods to the world



At the meeting, Zhang Yong reaffirmed Alibaba's three long-term strategies for the future: globalization, rural areas and big data cloud computing. Among them, the globalization strategy with "five global" focuses on the agenda. "We want to be able to serve two billion consumers in 20 years." Zhang Yong said the "silk road" was built online, which also coincides with “the Belt And Road" vision advocated by the state.


Through a series of developments in e-commerce, finance, payment, logistics, cloud computing, and big data, Alibaba has been able to provide the infrastructure needed for the digital economy to help global enterprises reach the world through e-commerce, payment and logistics infrastructure.


  Tmall double 11 will be the "China programme" globalization training ground


In his speech, Zhang Yong specifically mentioned that in March, Alibaba and the Malaysian government were the first to announce that the first eWTP overseas "pilot zone" would be landed in Malaysia. This has also become an example of the "China programme" for the successful experience of cross-border trade in Alibaba.


"The essence of eWTP is the 'China programme' for cross-border trade." Zhang Yong said.


The "China programme" was warmly welcomed by local small and medium-sized enterprises at the June and September summit of small and medium-sized enterprises in Detroit, Canada. The more convenient and transparent trade globalization promoted by e-commerce has become the voice of small and medium-sized enterprises around the world.


This year, the double 11 will also be a practical training for global enterprises. "Behind the huge volume of trade is the massive inspection of the commercial forces, a big review of infrastructure." Zhang Yong said. "To make these commodities, such a huge amount of trade volume in the double 11 consumption demand generation, the order generation, the consumption will be able to unobstructed, complete import and export, complete customs clearance, customs clearance, it is not only a great test of manpower, but also a great test of the system.”


"Alibaba hopes to help this successful Chinese business model go global through the strength of private enterprises, the power of the market, the power of consumers and the power of small and medium-sized enterprises." Zhang Yong said.

  (作者 張淵 李斌 報道翻譯:耿凱寧)

來源: 中國網    | 作者: 張淵 李斌 報道翻譯:耿凱寧    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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