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眨眼即簽 浙江省黨政機關重大會議首次人臉識別簽到
Fast sign in, Zhejiang provincial Party and government organs great conference for the first time sign in by face recognition
發佈時間:2017-10-27 15:32:18    

中國網浪潮資訊   “這麼快!”、“好便捷!”、“太方便了!” ……10月26日下午,在浙江省人民大會堂一樓簽到處,前來參加全省領導幹部會議的代表們體驗了一把人臉識別簽到技術。參會人員只需在簽到臺前駐足片刻,系統螢幕立即顯現出這位參會人員的姓名和照片,速度堪比眨眼。

  "So fast."!" "Good convenience."!" "It's too convenient."!"...... On the afternoon of October 26th, at the sign-desk on the first floor of the Great Hall of the People in Zhejiang Province, the delegates who came to participate in the meeting of the leading cadres of the province experienced a face recognition attendance technology. Participants just stop for a moment at the sign in front of the sign, and the system screen immediately shows the name and the photo of the participant, and the speed is comparable to an blink.


  High efficiency and convenience is the biggest experience for attendees to brush their faces and sign in. And compare with many meetings to carry the card carrier sign before, the biological recognition technology based on face, check-in process takes only milliseconds, not only accurate and quick, save time, but also can effectively prevent the generation of false will happen and will make a serious conference’s style and discipline.


  "This afternoon, about 1,000 people signed up at our conference through our face recognition, with an accuracy rate of 99.3%." Hangzhou Pui Chi Mdt InfoTech Ltd responsible person, face recognition technology is a biometric identification technology based on facial features of people's information, the integrated use of the digital image and video processing, pattern recognition, computer vision and other technology, the core technology is the face recognition algorithm, is an innovative technology is simple and fast, the utility range will be more widely.


  Reporters learned that, the next step, Zhejiang provincial Party and Government Organs will also introduce face recognition technology, application in key places of security personnel access control and so on.

  (作者 張淵 楊立群 丁薩報道 翻譯 宓文文)

來源: 中國網    | 作者: 張淵 楊立群 丁薩報道 翻譯 宓文文    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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