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Forbes: Double 11 of Tmall gets from "National Festival" to "Global Festival"
發佈時間:2017-10-26 16:29:55    

  中國網浪潮資訊 天貓雙11全球狂歡節即將到來,外媒開始關注阿里巴巴提出的“五新”戰略的成果。在“新零售”提出一週年之際,如何將其應用到天貓雙11全球購物節當中?美國福布斯雜誌就認為,2017年的天貓雙11是阿裏這一年來“新零售”概念成果的集中檢閱。福布斯雜誌同時説:“舉辦了九年的雙11儼然成了國民節日”並走向國際化。並認為“天貓聚集資源能力令人咋舌,品牌的深度參與是“新零售”的一次勝利。”

Double 11 World Carnival of Tmall is coming. The foreign medias begin to pay close attention to the outcome of the strategy of  "Five New" put forward by the Alibaba. During the first anniversary of the "New Retail" ,how to use it into Tmall double 11 Global Shopping Carnival? Forbes Magazine in America thought that 2017 Tmall double 11 is intensive inspection of New Retail concept of Ali during this year.Forbes Magazine also said that: "The Double 11 which has held for nine years is the National Festival and gets internationalization. And it thinks "resources-gathered capacity of Tmall is amazing, the deep involve of the brand is a victory in the “ New Retail”.


  福布斯雜誌在文章中還寫道: 谷歌改變了世界處理資訊的方式,但是沒有谷歌日。 亞馬遜改變了美國消費者的購物習慣,但是沒有亞馬遜日。而在中國,卻有一個阿里巴巴日:11月11日,又稱天貓雙11全球購物節,這個購物節是全球規模最大的,由天貓所推動。阿里巴巴不僅改變了中國消費者的購物習慣,同時也改變了商戶的習慣。

Forbes Magazine also wrote in the article that Google has changed the world ways of processing information, but there is no days of Google. Amazon has changed shopping habits of American consumers, but there is no days of amazon. But in China, there is a Alibaba Day: November 11th is also called Tmall Double 11 Global Shopping Carnival.The Shopping  Carnival is largest in the world, driven by Tmall. Alibaba has not only changed the shopping habits of Chinese consumers but changed the habit of merchants.


Articles examined the Tmall double 11 from five aspects such as the scale,  the retail innovation and global shopping at the same time . When referring to retail innovation, Forbes said: Tmall Double 11 has its own ecological system, the national Double 11 party every year is like “the super bowl” game in the United States, broadcasting to the nation.More than 200 million people will watch the party and tens of millions of people will participate in the Double 11 through playing games, visiting a virtual store and trying clothes through the virtual fitting room on the phone.


In another article published on the Forbes Magazine website on October 25,Forbes thought that the 2016 is the year that Tmall Double 11 became globalization, and from this year it will be more international, global cognitive is increasing every year. Alibaba also integrates its southeast Asian business and its E-commerce website Lazada into the ecological system and it will also help 100 China brands do propaganda to one hundred million overseas Chinese.

  此外,福布斯雜誌認為,今年確實是一個“新零售”成果的閱兵年。中國今年的強勁潮流就是阿里巴巴所引領的“線上線下融合”,同時為消費者提供在不同渠道之間購物的無縫購物體驗。福布斯也驚嘆到:今年天貓雙11會有超過1百萬商戶利用線上線下融合來吸引更多顧客。而超過60萬個街頭便利店和3萬個農村服務中心也會通過淘寶平臺參與。(作者 張淵 李斌 報道)

In addition, Forbes Magazine thinks this year is really a parade year of "New Retail" results. China's strong trend this year is that “The integration of online and offline”led by Alibaba, at the same time it provides seamless shopping experience in different channels for customers. Forbes also said amazingly:  Tmall Double 11 this year will have more than 1 million merchants to use “The integration of online and offline”to attract more customers. And more than 600000 street stores and 30000 rural service center will also participate in through the Taobao platform. (Reporter Zhang Yuan and Li bin reports)

  作者:張淵 胡金 翻譯:陳萍萍

來源: 中國網    | 作者::張淵 胡金 翻譯:陳萍萍    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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