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Lu Guanqiu, the godfather of the first generation of Zhejiang merchants passed away
發佈時間:2017-10-26 14:19:22    

  中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間10月25日,作者從多位知情人士處獲悉,浙商代表人物魯冠球于當天上午逝世,享年72歲。1945年出生的魯冠球是浙商群體中的“教父級”人物,被冠以民營企業家中的“常青樹”,生前為萬向集團董事長。

On October 25th, Beijing time, the reporter learned from a number of informed sources that Lu Guanqiu, representative of Zhejiang merchants died in the morning, at the age of 72 years old. Born in 1945, Lu Guanqiu is the "Godfather-class" people of Zhejiang Merchants Group, which is called "evergreen tree" in private entrepreneurs, and is chairman of Wanxiang Group before his death.



Wanxiang Group was founded in 1969, mainly in the manufacture and sale of auto parts. It is a modern transnational enterprise group with annual revenues of over 100 billion and profits of over ten billion. Wanxiang is the only auto parts enterprise in the 120 pilot enterprises and 520 key enterprises of the State Council. It is one of the 16 enterprises with international competitiveness to enter the world famous brand.


In 1969, Lu Guanqiu led 6 farmers to raise 4000 yuan to establish "Xiaoshan Ningwei commune agricultural machinery repair factory". In 1980, Lu Guanqiu removed three pieces of four blocks from the factory gate and only retaining the "Xiaoshan Ningwei commune cardan joint factory". Lu Guanqiu decided that China would vigorously develop the automotive industry, so decided to cut other projects, specializing in the cardan joint factory. In 1984, the United States Scheler company what has the most cardan joint patents representatives in the Canton Fair "take a fancy to" cardan joint, and set up 30 thousand sets of orders after the fair, cardan products for the first time out of the country.


Lu Guanqiu has been called the "global leader" in the field of auto parts by "Forbes", the Xinhua news agency said, watching habits, Lu Guanqiu was still a Chinese farmer: he had been living in farm building constructed in 1983, the kitchen is an old-fashioned stove. Get up at 5 a.m. every morning and sleep at 11 p.m.. As long as he be on a business trip, he goes home on time to have dinner with his wife.


His office hasn't changed with more than 10 square metre. Down the stairs, there is a bower. 48 years ago, it was his blacksmith's shop where his business start from.

  作者:張淵  胡金 翻譯:宓文文

來源: 中國網    | 作者::張淵 胡金 翻譯:宓文文    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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