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杭州再添納斯達克上市公司 龍運國際美國上市首日漲128%
Another NASDAQ listed company in Hangzhou the first day Dragon Victory International INC. listed in the US rises by 128%
發佈時間:2017-10-24 16:16:48    

  中國網浪潮資訊 作者今天獲悉,杭州有一家企業----龍運國際在美國納斯達克資本市場(NASDAQ Capital Market)上市交易(股票代碼為“LYL”)。上市首日,發行價為6美元,開盤價報7.39美元,收盤價上漲至13.67美元,漲幅高達128%。

Today reporter learned that an enterprise in Hangzhou- Dragon Victory International INC. listed in NASDAQ Capital Market (under the ticker LYL). The first day it listed, the issue price was 6 dollars, opening price was 7.39 dollars, and closing price was 13.67 dollars increasing 128%.


Dragon Victory International INC. is a crowd funding portal web enterprise providing entrepreneurs in China with opportunities of crowd funding and capital sources. Meanwhile, it provides entrepreneurs and operating units who having funding need with business incubator and financial service of high quality by crowd funding platform. The platform was founded in 2015 and now renamed 5etou.

  2017年9月15日。龍運國際宣佈完成首次公開募股(IPO),以每股6美元的價格,發行1,421,394股普通股,共募資8,528,363美元(未扣除承銷商折扣和佣金)。其中,寶德證券有限公司(Boustead Securities, LLC)任主承銷商,磊拓金融集團(Network 1 Financial Securities, Inc.)作為聯席承銷商 。

On September 15, 2017, Dragon Victory International INC. announced that it finished the first IPO with 6 dollars per share, issued 1,421,394 shares of common stock and raised 8,528,363 dollars (not taken out discount and brokerage of underwriter). Boustead Securities, LLC is lead underwriter and Network 1 Financial Securities, Inc. is co-ynderwriter.

  寶德證券(Boustead Securities)及股權資本市場負責人兼龍運國際的主承銷商Dan McClory認為,成為國際證券交易所內首家上市的眾籌門戶網站公司,對於龍運而言是一個重要的里程碑。龍運國際董事長兼首席執行官韓昱先生對龍運上市首日的交易表現也感到興奮和激動。

Dan McClory, director of Boustead Securities and equity capital market and lead underwriter of Dragon Victory International INC. thought that, it is an important milestone for Dragon Victory International INC.to be the first crowd funding portal web enterprise listed in ISE. Han Yu, chairman of the board and CEO of Dragon Victory International INC. was excited about trading performance the first day Dragon Victory International INC. listed.


Han Yu told reporter that, their team made unremitting efforts to list in Nasdaq Stock Market. Han Yu said, we believe that our differentiation, integration crowd funding, steady balance sheet and opening transaction in Nasdaq Stock Market will be of great advantage to investors now and the in the future.

  (中國網綜合 翻譯:余樂)

來源:     | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯:余樂    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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