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杭州籌建交流平臺 加強中德文化藝術交流
Hangzhou builds exchange platform to strengthen cultural and artistic exchanges between China and Germany
發佈時間:2017-10-24 16:06:13    

  中國網浪潮資訊   “中國和德國的藝術家要在發揮想像力上走在一起,走出一條新的道路……”10月23日,德國陶瓷藝術家維爾納·比昂斯蒂爾(Werner Birnstiel)先生在杭州如是説。

"The artists of China and Germany should walk together in imagination and go out of a new road......" Werner Birnstiel, the German ceramic artist said in Hangzhou on October 23rd.


Birnstiel is a "China hand", and he studied in the China early in the last century in 60s, and established a profound emotion with China. Recently, he took another 3 German ceramic artists came to Hangzhou, and gathered with a number of well-known local artists. They are going to build a "cultural exchange platform" together to strengthen cultural exchanges between China and Germany.


  Win-win co–operation: To do something for artists


The first person to propose the idea of "cultural and artistic exchange platform" is Dr. Bai Yi, the managing director of CFPD, director of the Chinese Association For International Understanding and sculptor. Bai Yi was born in Qingdao, China in 1965. He has worked in Shandong College of Arts, The China Academy of Art and Ministry of construction of People's Republic of China, and has pioneered the theoretical study of urban sculpture planning in China. In 2005, he was selected as "contemporary Chinese construction expert" by Ministry of construction of People's Republic of China.


Bai Yi said that in recent years he participated in many international conferences, and has deep feelings for China proposed "The Belt and Road" initiative. He hopes to be able to do something for Chinese and foreign artists. "We want to take Chinese art go out and collide with the outside thought; we want to invite foreign artists, cultural scholars to enjoy and learn Chinese civilization. I think this is a literary and art worker’s responsibility." Bai Yi said.

  對於白一博士的構想,比昂斯蒂爾非常認同。比昂斯蒂爾認為,2017年對於中德藝術交流是一個重要的時間節點,因為就在前不久中德兩國簽訂了一個文化交流協議,兩國在“民心相通”方面的建設又向前邁進了一步。比昂斯蒂爾説: “中德兩國在經濟方面合作很好,但文化藝術的交流還有進一步發展的空間,我們要在這個空間裏發揮想像力,讓藝術交流更快地發展起來”。

Birnstiel agrees with Dr. Bai's idea. Birnstiel believes that 2017 is an important time node for art exchange between China and German, because shortly before the two countries signed acultural exchange agreement and the two countries have taken a step forward in the construction of "morale connected". Birnstiel said: "China and Germany have a good cooperation in economy, but there is still space for further development of cultural and art exchanges. We need to develop imagination in this space and let art exchange develop faster."

  比昂斯蒂爾認為,中德藝術家坐在一起一同籌建“交流平臺”是一個充滿想像力的合作成果。 “這個平臺不光是藝術的交流,還有藝術品的交易,因為我們不光要藝術,還要生活……我們既要盡情發揮想像力,也要為我們的藝術家做一些事。”他説。

Birnstiel believes that artists of Chinese and German sitting together to build "communication platform" is an imaginative result of cooperation. "This platform is not only the exchange of art, but also the exchange of artworks, because we need not only art, but also life...... We should not only give full scope to our imagination, but also do something for our artists." He said.


  "Morale connected": Cultural communication depends on imagination


Jin Yide, at the age of 82, the Professor of China Academy of Art, famous painter who was invited to attend the meeting began to speak firstly. He spoke bluntly that art cannot do without imagination, and his most imagination from the influence of literature, for example, some scenes in the novel "Die Blechtrommel" written by Gunter Glass gave him a lot of inspiration

  德國陶瓷藝術家安德雷亞斯·艾萊特(Andreas Ehret)則認為,藝術家要有自己創作的動力和獨特的東西,而想像力能夠幫忙找出藝術家想要的東西。艾萊特認為,中德文化的交流同時也是想像力的交流,就比如陶瓷藝術,就是中國藝術和歐洲藝術想像力融合的結果。

German ceramic artist Andreas Ehret believes that artists need to have their own creative power and unique things, and imagination can help find out what artists want. Ailette believes that the cultural exchange between China and Germany is also the exchange of imagination, such as ceramic art, is the fusion of Chinese art and European art imagination.


Bai Renhai, the member of the Chinese Artists Association, deputy president of The China Academy of Art and famous oil painter, agrees with her. He said bluntly that Chinese oil painters often draw nourishment from German expressionist artworks, and now it is also very meaningful to invite German painters to come to China to discuss with each other.

  此外,浙江女畫家協會副會長李新月、中國美術學院教授葉其璋、秦大虎,以及德國陶瓷藝術家西爾維婭·克洛德(Silvia Kloede)、馬丁·明德曼(Martin Windermann)等也相繼分享了對於“想像力”的體悟。

In addition, Li Xinyue, Zhejiang Female Artists Association, Ye Qizhang, the professor of China Academy of Art, Silvia Kloede and Martin Windermann, German ceramic artists, shared the experience of "imagination" one after another.

  (作者 張淵 楊雲寒 李斌 報道 翻譯:杜依依)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 楊雲寒 李斌 報道 翻譯:杜依依    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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