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Zhejiang research artificial leather has a breakthrough
發佈時間:2017-10-24 11:02:39    


On October 23rd, Beijing Time, according to the Second Hospital affiliated to Zhejiang University school of medicine, the study of artificial leather has a breakthrough, the survival time of artificial leather shortened from 7 to 10 days, has higher strength and stronger vitality than foreign products.


Professor Han Chunmao, the director of the department of burning and injury of the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University, told reporter that the study of artificial leather has been studied abroad. There are similar products in the United States, but they are expensive and there are no blood vessels in the artificial leather, so it takes three weeks to survive. In such a long time, the transplant may become infected again, so the patient will be discharged again.


At present, the team of the second hospital of zhejiang university has studied the artificial dermis, which is the material that has been added to a polymer woven net on the previous basis, which is not easy to deform. It strengthens the entire dermal scaffold, making the time of blood vessel survival greatly shortened and mechanical strength higher. In popular terms, it is the artificial dermis that is tighter, stronger and less prone to tearing. And the polymer materials are absorbable and biodegradable. When the skin tissue of the patient is well, the materials are gradually degraded and excreted.


“Human dermis is mainly composed of cells and extracellular matrix components, most of which are collagen. At present, our artificial dermis is mainly composed of collagen and macromolecule material. This is about 80 percent similar to the real skin, which is very similar. After the experiment of large animals, according to observe its healing forces at different points of time, the shrinkage rate after healing and so on, the results showed that the effect was more intense than that of foreign artificial dermis, which increased the vascularization. When I saw such a result, I feel excited.” Han Chunmao told reporter.


Now the project is progressing smoothly. The artificial leather products have passed the type inspection and it will take two to three years to enter the clinical trial stage.

  (中國網作者  翻譯:耿凱寧)

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯:耿凱寧    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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