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The power of Zhejiang Made: to build the largest heavy cargo marine special deck carrier in Asia
發佈時間:2017-10-22 15:06:22    

  中國網浪潮資訊 10月21日,亞洲最大的重大件遠洋特種甲板運輸船“至憲之星”號,在浙江宏盛造船廠順利下水。  

“Zhi Xian Star”, the largest heavy cargo marine special deck carriers in Asia launched in Zhejiang Hongsheng Ship Industry successfully. 



The carrier made by Welton Hazz Group and Shanghai Transportation Shipping Co., Ltd with heavy investment. This ship is 160 meters long, 43 meters wide, deck cargo area equivalent to 1.5 standard football field. The carrying capacity reached more than 26000 tons, with full electric propulsion, speed reached to 14 knots, and equipped with advanced dynamic positioning system. These performance indicators are second to none in the same type of ship throughout Asia. 


According to the introduction of Yu Bo, chairman of Welton Hazz Group that the ship has excellent performance, and it is widely used in heavy equipment transportation, marine engineering installation assistance, marine special operations and so on. It can be said that on the road of building a socialist maritime power, we have a sharp weapon.  


The ship designed by Hongsheng Ship Design Institute, a private enterprises of Zhejiang. On the basis design of civil bulk carriers, ore carriers, oil tankers and medium-sized deck carriers in many years, Hongsheng Ship Design Institute used the most advanced design concept, the concept of environmental protection and mature technology to design “Zhi Xian Star” Ship with high standard. The most advanced electric propulsion technology not only saves the internal space and cost, but also reduces the exhaust emissions to the minimum. In the performance of ship, it has introduced and installed the dynamic positioning technology which is seldom used by the pure transport ship. Although increased investment capacity, it can make the “Zhi Xian Star” positioning ability of mooring under the condition of no location has a huge leap, which can achieve decimeter level. This capability is of great use in marine engineering installation and positioning, offshore wind farm installation and commissioning, marine engineering special operations and so on. Therefore, "Zhi Xian Star" is not only a modern marine transport ship, but also a marine engineering auxiliary ship with a variety of complex operation capabilities. This comprehensive ability makes the "Zhi Xian Star" stand out in the same type of ship. 

  由於該型船舶的優越性能,同類第二艘姐妹船“至憲之明”也已進入緊張施工階段,隨著中國社會主義現代化建設的新一輪高潮的到來,隨著一帶一路戰略全面實施,隨著建設社會主義海上強國的措施的進一步到位,我們相信,這兩條執業界之牛耳的“至憲之星”、“至憲之明”電力推進甲板運輸船,一定會成為業界熠熠生輝的雙子星座,在今後的海運事業中大放異彩!(作者張淵  李斌報道)  

Due to the superior performance of this type of ship, the similar second sister ships "Zhi Xian Light" have also entered the construction stage of tension. With a new wave of high tide of socialist modernization construction in China, and the construction of socialist maritime power measures further in place, we believe that "Zhi Xian Star" and "Zhi Xian Light", the electric propulsion deck cargo carriers, and the two leaders in the shipping profession circle, will become the shining Gemini, shining in shipping business in the future!

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 李斌 杜依依 譯    | 責編:邱玉潔    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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