Mogan Mountain, the branch of Tianmu Mountain, located in Deqing County, the Northern of Zhejiang province, is China's national key scenic spot. It got its name because in the late years of the Spring and Autumn Period, He lv, the king of Wu, sent Ganjiang and Moye to cast into a unique male and female double swords here. It is a famous holiday resort and summer resort in China.
莫幹山山巒連綿起伏,風景秀麗多姿,景區面積達43平方公里,它雖不及泰岱之雄偉、華山之險 峻,卻以綠蔭如海的修竹、清澈不竭的山泉、星羅棋佈的別墅、四季各異的迷人風光稱秀于江南,享有 “江南第一山”之美譽。
Mogan Mountains are rolling and rolling, it has beautiful scenery and the area of the scenic area is 43 square kilometers. Though it is not as majestic as that of Taidai, not as precipitous as Mount Hua, it is famous for its bamboo forest which the green shade is like the sea, the clear and inexhaustible mountain spring, the numerous of cottages and the charming scenery that are different in four seasons. It is praised as “the First Mountain of Jiangnan”.
莫幹山素以竹、雲、泉“三勝”和清、靜、綠、涼“四優”而馳名中外。莫幹山風光嫵媚,景點眾多,有風景秀麗的蘆花蕩公園,清幽雅靜的武陵村,盪氣迴腸的劍池飛 瀑,史料翔實的白雲山館,雄氣逼人的怪石角,野味濃郁的塔山公園,以及天池寺蹤跡、莫幹湖、旭光臺、名家碑林、滴翠潭等百餘處,引人入勝,令人流連忘返。
Mogan Mountain win fame both at home and abroad because of its Three Scenic, bamboo, cloud, spring and Four Excellence, clean, quiet, green and cool. Mogan Mountain has wonderful scenery and it has many scenic spots, such as the beautiful Reed marshes Park, the quiet and elegant Wuling Village, the soul-stirring and inspiring Sword Spring and Waterfall, the historic Baiyun Mountain Pavilion, the majestic Guai Shi Jiao, the natural Tashan Park and the Track of Tianchi Temple, Mogan Lake, Xuguang Tai, Forests of Stone Tablets, Dicui Tan and more than hundred scenic spots that are fascinating.
Over a thousand years of development history, a rich cultural landscape has been formed on Mogan Mountain. Many historical celebrities both has the huge celebrity for Mogan Mountain and left it countless poems, stone carving, stories, and more than two hundred celebrity villas that are in different styles so Mogan Mountain is also known as the "World Museum of Modern Architecture".
中國網綜合 翻譯:耿凱寧
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