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Ningbo International Fashion Festival opens on October 19th
發佈時間:2017-10-19 14:58:10    

  北京時間10月19日,作者在第二十一屆寧波國際服裝節上獲悉,本屆寧波服裝節以“寧波裝 粧天下”為主題,以“智慧,融合,創新”為主線,舉辦“展臺(展覽洽談)、T臺(時尚發佈)、講臺(經貿論壇)三大板塊活動。

On October 19th, Beijing time, reporter was informed at the 21st Ningbo International Fashion Festival that the Ningbo Fashion Festival used "Ningbo Fashion, Dress up the world" as the theme, "Intelligence, integration, innovation" as the main line to hold three plate activities: Exhibition Booth (Exhibition Talks), Catwalk (Fashion Release), and Platform (Economic and Trade Forum).


It is understood that the fashion festival organized 12 major professional activities. Fashion Fair is a core activity of the fashion festival, which is located in Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Center. The exhibition area is 40 thousand square meters, with 1800 booths. This Fair consists of 239 enterprises, 210 brands of exhibitors, among which there are exhibitors from 10 overseas countries and regions such as Britain, Italy, the United States, Canada, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Russia, Pakistan, Taiwan, China and 93 brands of 26 cities above prefecture level in mainland China. Overseas and foreign brands accounted for 44% of the total exhibition brand.


2017 Ningbo International Fashion Week will be held in Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Center Hall 4 from late October 18th to 22nd. In the meantime, there are 19 runway show activities of 5 types including Famous designers at home and abroad, domestic famous brands, domestic cutting-edge designers, local fashion brands and pioneer colleges.


In the forum, the 3rd China Men's Clothing Summit Forum will combine the characteristics and advantages of Ningbo clothing industry to provide an authoritative platform for the industry. Chen Dapeng, executive vice president of China National Garment Association, Han Yongsheng professor of School of economics and management of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, supervisor of a Ph.D. student, and Liu Xin, deputy director of the Ministry of industry of China National Textile and Apparel Council, deputy president of Industrial Economics Institute will make keynote speeches. More than 100 men's clothing enterprises across the country will attend the forum.

  (中國網綜合  翻譯:杜依依)

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯:杜依依    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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