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Zhejiang complete the use of foreign investment "five years five hundred billion" target in advance
發佈時間:2017-10-18 10:25:12    


Reporters knew from the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce days before, In January this year to September, the province's actual use of foreign investment $13 billion 520 million, an increase of 10.2% (equivalent to 91 billion 910 million yuan, up 13.7%), 2013 to the end of September this year, a total of 500 billion 350 million yuan, Accomplished the target of "five years and five hundred billion years" of utilizing foreign capital determined by Zhejiang provincial Party committee and provincial government in advance.


According to the introduction, at the beginning of 2013, The Zhejiang provincial Party committee and the provincial government have put forward the "five years, five hundred billion" goal of utilizing foreign capital from 2013 to 2017 in order to fully implement the eighteen spirits and promote the economic transformation and upgrading. "For five years, deepening the reform of the system of foreign investment in our province, strengthen the promotion of foreign investment, strengthen the investment promotion platform construction, foster new advantages of the introduction of foreign capital, attracting large and strong, optimization services, and achieved remarkable results." Introduced by the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of commerce.


In the past 5 years, the scale of foreign investment in Zhejiang has been expanding. Since 2013, Zhejiang actual use of foreign investment and steady growth, as of September 2017, the province's total actual foreign investment $78 billion, an average annual growth of more than 7.7%, from sixth in 2012 in the country's ranking rose to fourth place in 2016.


The proportion of direct investment from developed countries continues to increase. In the first three quarters of this year, the EU direct investment in Zhejiang accounted for 7.4%, 3.1 percentage points higher than in 2013, Japan accounted for 3.2%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points. Since 2013, 20 new world top 500 enterprises have been introduced, 114 new world top 500 investment enterprises have been established, with a total investment of 7 billion 240 million US dollars and contractual foreign investment of 3 billion 300 million US dollars.

  [中國網綜合 翻譯:張旭]

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯:張旭    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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