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Zhejiang scenery: Ancient Weir Painting Hometown
發佈時間:2017-10-16 09:07:13    


Recently, reporters learned from the tenth Yangtze River Delta Investment Development Forum •Yangtze River Delta Slow Life Tourism Summit and the first Yangtze River Delta Slow Life Tourism Destination Alliance Summit that Liandu, Zhejiang talent showing itself and awarded the Most Charming Private Tourism Destination in the Yangtze River Delta of honor, ancient weir painting hometown won the honor award of the Most Charming Tourism Characteristic Town in the Yangtze River delta.


The ancient weir painting hometown is located in Bihu Town and Dagang Town, Liandu District, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, which is twenty kilometers away from the downtown area of Lishui, the core block includes da gang tou, weir head, Pingdi and Baoding, it’s historical and cultural accumulation is profound and the historical and cultural atmosphere is strong. Longli and Lilong expressway all have exits here, 53 dart and 50 dart throughout the whole territory, Joining the national railway artery though Lishui station of Jin-Wen Railway. The traffic is convenient, only more than 100 kilometers away from Yiwu, the largest commodity city in china.


It is understood that the "Gu Yan" first showed a profound historical and cultural heritage, there have TongJi Yan, the key units of historical and cultural sites under government protection, which was built in A.D. 505. There are ancient streets, pavilion and pier, ancient celadon kiln site, enormously ancient village and camphor group, which figuratively express the pure water and mountain natural simplicity of the natural beauty of the ancient town in the south of the Yangtze river.


And the “Painting Hometown” highlight the cultural characteristics and development orientation, it has “Lishui Barbizon School” which famous both inside and outside the province. They also built Lishui Barbizon Museum, Lishui Oil Painting Institute, ancient weir painting hometown exhibition hall, ancient weir painting hometown branch school and so on. There also have a professional art sketch and creation base- “on the water side sketch creation base” ( located in Da gang tou town, which is 23 kilometers away from the city of Lishui, it’s the teaching and training base of The China Academy of Art and it’s attached middle school ) and Lishui Jiulong barbizon painting creation base.

  (中國網綜合  翻譯:黃璐)

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯:黃璐    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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