中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間10月13日,創下多個“首次”的中國第8次北極科考日前圓滿結束,位於浙江的海洋二所共有8位科研人員參與本次科考。他們在浮冰上安裝“聽診器”,順利完成一系列科考任務,取得多項突破。
On October 13th, Beijing time, China Arctic expedition what set many records of “first time”came to a happy ending with its eighth times, there were8 researchers in the second institute of OSOA in Zhejiang involved in this expedition. They installed "stethoscope" on the floating ice, successfully completed a series of scientific missions, and made many breakthroughs.
The "stethoscope" is actually a kind of monitoring equipment for surveying the environmental data, collecting ice cores and ice water samples to record the changing process of floating ice. In order to understand the melting and accumulation of ice in the Arctic Ocean, the expedition members left the snow dragon many times during the scientific expedition to work on a large ice floe called “the ice station”.
It is understood that these team members from the Institute of marine ecology and environment laboratory, submarine science laboratory and satellite marine environmental dynamics laboratory. Some of them have participated in the Arctic expedition for many times, and some have entered the ice and snow world for the first time.
Members of the second institute of OSOA through the Arctic central waterway with the "Snow Dragon" for the first time, and carry out a scientific survey in the Arctic Ocean region, to fill the Chinese Arctic Ocean central region of the Atlantic sector gaps. The ecological environment research team carried out 6 short-term ice stations and 54 marine comprehensive work station, access to all kinds of samples of more than 3000 copies, successfully recovered and distributed the 1 set of submerged buoy biogeochemical observations in Chukchi submarine plateau again.
(中國網綜合 翻譯:宓文文)
來源: 浙江線上 | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯:宓文文 | 責編:胡金 審核:張淵
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