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2017 the 1st China tourism destination and tourist town forum was held in Linan, Zhejiang
發佈時間:2017-10-14 15:12:49    

  中國網浪潮資訊  10月13日,2017首屆中國旅遊目的地暨旅遊小鎮發展大會在杭州臨安成功舉辦。大會以“打造中國最佳旅遊目的地:投資與創新”為主題,通過主旨演講、圓桌論壇、業態展示等多種形式,圍繞旅遊目的地投資新動向、新模式、發展新引擎、旅遊小鎮新熱點等議題進行了深入探討,全方位促進旅遊目的地和旅遊小鎮産品、業態的創新發展,推動中國旅遊目的地再上新臺階。

On October 13th, 2017 the 1st China tourism destination and tourist town forum was successfully held in Linan, Hangzhou. The forum on the theme of " Build the best China tourist destination: investment and innovation ", take a variety of forms such as the keynote speeches, roundtable forums, format display and others, conduct a deep discussion focusing on the new trends of investments in tourist destinations, new models, the development of new engines, and other issues. It will promote innovative development of tourism destinations and small-town tourist towns widely, and raise the level of China tourism destinations.


The forum is jointly organized by Zhejiang tourism group, Hangzhou media group and new tourism commission of Zheshang association. They implement the policy decisions put forward on Zhejiang 14th party congress "make eight trillion industries like tourism and health be bigger and stronger ", "complete the poetry painting Zhejiang- China top tourism destination”. Chinese scenic area association and China tourism academy offer specific guidance. Provincial state-owned tourism group such as Shaanxi, Hebei, Jilin, Hainan, Guizhou, Ningxia, Shanxi, Anhui, Chongqing and Junyuan travel group, Lvwei travel group, Hangzhou media group, lvjie media also assist .


At the forum, more than 20 influential business leaders have made speeches or launch dialogues, such as Wu Wenxue, the former deputy director of the National Tourism Administration. Wei Xiaonan, the World Tourism City Federation chief expert. Qin Jingan, director of the standing committee of Jiangsu provincial people's congress, former director of Jiangsu provincial tourism bureau. Weng Jianrong, deputy director of Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission. Fang Jinghua Chairman of Zhejiang travel group. Ren Gongzheng, general manager of Shaanxi travel Group, and so on. They give some suggestions on how to build a tourism destination and tourist town, bring enlightenments to others.


There are many wonderful subjects at the forum, such as the establishment ceremony of the National provincial state-owned tourism group alliance and Zhejiang modern tourism industry research institute, the publishing ceremony of "2017 China tourism destination development report" and "2017 China tourist town development report”, the award ceremony of 2017 the most popular tourist destination and tourism town, etc. Among 2017 the most popular tourist destination, Zhejiang has two, namely Zhejiang Chunan Qiandao Lake and Zhejiang Yongjia Nanxi River. Among 2017 the most popular tourist town, Zhejiang has four, respectively is Zhejiang Linan Hongye town, Zhejiang Nanxun town, Zhejiang Keqiao Anchang town, Zhejiang Kaihua Gengong Buddhist land - Genyuan town.


In addition, reporter get messagefrom the forum that the 2nd China tourism destination and tourist town forum will be held in Shanxi next year.

  (作者 張淵 丁薩  報道 翻譯:袁旭寧)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 丁薩 報道 翻譯:袁旭寧    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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