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非洲留學生義烏突發疾病 300多名中外客商慷慨捐助
African student suffered from sudden illness in Yiwu. More than 300 Chinese and foreign businessmen donated generously
發佈時間:2017-10-14 15:09:18    

  中國網浪潮資訊    “謝謝來自世界各地的朋友們,是你們給了我第二次生命!”北京時間10月12日下午,來自非洲尼日的留學生阿多瑪面對鏡頭,滿臉感激。就在半個多月前,一場球賽差點要了他的命。

"Thank you, friends from all over the world. You gave me second lives!" Aroma, a foreign student from Niger, Africa, faced the lens, full of gratitude on the afternoon of October 12th, Beijing time. More than half a month ago, a match almost killed him.


A ball game leads to “acute cerebral infarction"


On the evening of September 23rd, the foreign businessmen stationed in Yiwu and foreign students from Africa organized a wonderful football match. Aroma, robust and strong, is the team main force, perspiration comes down like raindrops on the pitch. But no one had expected that Aroma who was still racing on the court a second ago, suddenly fell on the ground and couldn't move.


Friends immediately rushed him to a nearby hospital, and transferred to the emergency center of Tianxiang East Hospital for further treatment subsequently. After the doctor's assessment, he was diagnosed with acute cerebral infarction, and the situation was critical. The thrombolytic therapy team in the Department of Neurology immediately opened a green channel him, and launched an emergency treatment. After several hours of intensive treatment, his vital signs finally stabilized.

  “多虧送治及時,為他的後續治療爭取到了寶貴時間。這一點對急性腦梗死患者來説真的太重要了。” 大內科主任、神經內科主任醫師李世軍表示,目前病人恢復得還不錯,很大原因是在靜脈溶栓時間窗內,被及時送往醫院,並接受了最好的診斷、評估和用藥治療。

“Thanks to his timely treatment, he has gained valuable time for his follow-up treatment. This is really important for patients with acute cerebral infarction." Li Shijun, chief physician of internal medicine and Neurology Department. At present, the patient has recovered well, largely due to being sent to the hospital in time, and received the best diagnosis, evaluation and medication.


A donation to write a song of friendship between China and foreign countries


After stable condition, Aroma who studied in Yiwu alone was unable to do anything about the expensive medical expenses. After knowing this situation, Sura, a foreign businessman stationed in Yiwu now in overseas, immediately forwarded the news of Aroma’s injury to his friend in the circle of friends. He hoped that his friends in Yiwu could do something for him.


Within a few days, Sura's WeChat received more than a dozen messages. Friends from all walks of life and countries have expressed their desire to donate money to Aroma.


On October 11th, Sura, who had been on a business trip for many days, returned to Yiwu and visited Aroma with his friends, and handed over 1043 million yuan of cash raised by more than 300 Chinese and foreign businessmen to his hands.


"I found the warmth of my home here, and Yiwu was indeed a humane place." With a thick stack of cash, Aroma moved to tears. He told reporters that his father had also done business in Yiwu before his life, when he was young, he often heard some stories about Yiwu from his father's mouth. After his father died, he decided to come to Yiwu to study Chinese. After graduation, he could pick up the business of his housekeeper.


"Living in Yiwu for so many years, Yiwu has long been regarded as my second home, no matter who encountered difficulties, I will lend a helping hand." Sura said. What he didn't expect was that there were so many people who donated money and came to visit spontaneously. "Yiwu is really a warm city."

  (中國網綜合  翻譯:杜依依)

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯:杜依依    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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