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中國—中東歐國家貿易便利化 國檢試驗區建設啟動
China-CEE countries trade facilitation, national inspection test area construction started
發佈時間:2017-10-14 08:21:43    

  中國網浪潮資訊  中國—中東歐國家貿易便利化國檢試驗區(北侖核心區)建設近日揭牌啟動。作為試驗區的五大核心區塊之一,寧波經濟技術開發區現代國際物流園區成為全國第一個以貿易便利化為主題的國檢試驗區。

China-Central and Eastern Europe countries trade facilitation national inspection test area (Beilun core area) construction recently inaugurated. As one of the five core blocks of the test area, the modern international logistics park of Ningbo economic and Technological Development Zone has become the first national inspection area with the theme of trade facilitation.


It is reported that Beilun has three seats in the five core blocks of China - CEE trade facilitation test area. Since April this year, Ningbo economic and Technological Development Zone and Beilun entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau signed the “about ‘China - CEE countries trade facilitation national inspection test area (Beilun core area)’MOU”, the core area building push forward steadily. From January to August, the import and export volume of the trial area was 3.89 billion dollars, an increase of 10.5%, 586 foreign trade enterprises entered, benefiting 6,094 manufacturing enterprises nationwide, and have become the largest purchasing and export agglomeration area in Ningbo.


“The construction and implementation plan of Beilun core area of the test area” clearly through mechanism innovation, functional superposition, resource integration, joint development, realize four major development goals of “policy, regulatory optimization, collaborative innovation, efficient and convenient”, and strive to the test area (Beilun core area) built into the effective support platform along the depth of participated in “the Belt and Road” construction, explore the strategy of global economic and trade cooperation as work target; establish the coordination of various departments to improve the comprehensive policy, increase the test area of well-known domestic and foreign trade logistics enterprises investment and promoting the test area to achieve “the integration of zone and port”development and other 10 tasks.

  (作者 張淵 翻譯 宓文文)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 翻譯 宓文文    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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