中國網浪潮資訊 2017年“開化錢江源國家公園杯”世界青年暨女子小金屬球錦標賽將於11月4日—12日在衢州開化舉行。屆時將有42個國家500余名運動員、裁判員和體育官員聚集開化,其中31支青年隊伍和40支女子隊伍共用地擲球運動盛事。這也是小金屬球世錦賽歷史上參賽人數最多,規模最大的一屆比賽。
The 2017 "Kaihua Qianjiangyuan National Park Cup" World Youth and Women’s Small Metal Ball Championship will be held in Kaihua Quzhou from November 4th to 12th. There will be more than 500 athletes, referees and sports officials from 42 countries gathering in Kaihua and 31 youth teams and 40 women teams share the sport event. It is also the largest competition with the most participants in the history of world small metal ball championships.
It is learned that the world small metal ball championship is hosted by the World Small Metal Ball Federation and participated by the countries from every continents. It is the highest level competition of the world small metal ball which is host once every two years. At the same time,as one of six branches of Boccis, small metal ball is the most popular Bocci program in China with the largest number of participants. And the Chinese team sent the Youth and Women two teams to compete this time.
At present, the preparations working for the 2017 World Youth and Women's Small Metal Ball Championship is carried out methodically.The competition venues and training grounds have started to construct. The referee podium, information center, rest areas for athletes, lighting, audio, video equipment, computers,wi-fi and other equipments needed by the competition have been debug and configurated in place. The security, medical care and emergency services are also being in final adjustment.
中國網作者 張雲松 綜合報道 翻譯 陳萍萍
來源: 中國網 | 作者:張雲松 陳萍萍 | 責編:張雲松 審核:張淵
新聞投稿 新聞熱線:13157110107
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