中國網浪潮資訊 新學期開學之際,寧波諾丁漢大學電氣工程及其自動化專業的課堂上來了一個特別的美國學生Tenley Schofield (坦莉 斯科菲爾德)。她已經讀完律師博士學位,擁有美國律師執照,而且擁有五年的律師從業經驗。
At the beginning of the new semester, Tenley Schofield, a special American student, came to the class of electrical engineering and automation specialty at Ningbo university of Nottingham. She is a doctor of law, and she has a U.S. lawyer’s license and five years of experience as a lawyer.
Tenley本科在美國猶他大學(The University of Utah)學習生物化學專業,本科畢業後,學習了三年法律,獲得了法學博士學位。畢業後從事生物化學方面的法律諮詢工作。
Tenley majored in biochemistry at The University of Utah during the undergraduate period. After graduating from undergraduate, she studied law for three years and received a doctorate in law. She engaged in legal consultation on biochemistry after graduation.
Why does she choose to relearn undergraduate course now, and major in electrical engineering and automation unrelated to the law? Tenley told reporters: “China is the fastest-growing country in the world, China electronic communications, electrical engineering, such as Huawei, millet, Alibaba, and other well-known enterprises are increasingly influential in the world. Chinese companies want to do business in the U.S. where business needs to be patented by the U.S. patent and trademark office (USPTO). As a lawyer, I need to study the knowledge of electrical engineering to obtain legal advice in this field, and apply for patent rights especially for enterprises from China.”
中國網作者 張雲松 綜合報道 翻譯:袁旭寧
來源: 中國網 | 作者:張雲松 袁旭寧 | 責編:張雲松 審核:張淵
新聞投稿 新聞熱線:13157110107
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