中國網浪潮資訊 日前,全國首個詩人小鎮揭牌儀式在浙江浦江大畈鄉建光上河村舉行。浙江省作家協會主席黃亞洲被任命為首任鎮長。他對詩歌小鎮日後建設有三點期望,希望能夠逐步建設成為詩歌的孵化器,詩人的集散地和詩意的樣板房。
Recently, the opening ceremony of the first national Poet Town was held in Jianguang Shanghe village, Dafan town, Pujiang, Zhejiang. Huang Yazhou, president of Zhejiang Writers Association, was appointed the first mayor. He had three expectations for the future construction of the Poet Town, hoping to gradually build into an incubator of poetry, a collection of poets and a poetic model room.
The Chinese Poet Town is located in Jianguang Shanghe village, Dafan town, Pujiang county, which is known as the "little Hhangzhou" because of its topography and landscape. As the first mayor of the Chinese Poet Town, Huang said that in this small town, it was important to be able to "see" Chinese poetry clearly. In the restoration of some ancient buildings, the history of Chinese ancient poetry, the history of modern Chinese poetry and the history of contemporary Chinese poetry should be displayed.(中國網作者丁薩綜合 翻譯鮑夢依)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:翻譯鮑夢依 | 責編:丁薩 審核:張淵
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