建於明朝(1631)崇禎統治第四年的拱宸橋是跨立京杭運河的三拱石橋。 1986年,杭州市人民政府將拱宸橋列入市政保護文物清單。
Built in the fourth year of Chongzhen reign in Ming Dynasty (1631), Gongchen Bridge is a stone three-arch bridge standing across the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal. In 1986, the Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government included the bridge in its list of relics under municipal protection.
拱宸橋是杭州古橋中最高、最長的石拱橋,長92米,高16米。 “拱”的字面意思是會議,“宸”是指皇帝生活的地方。 拱宸橋作為款待、尊重皇帝的象徵,是大運河的終點,也是大運河杭州段的交通樞紐。
The Gongchen Bridge is the highest and longest stone arch bridge among ancient bridges in Hangzhou at 92 meters long and 16 meters high. In Chinese “Gong” literally means meeting and “Chen” refers to the place where emperors live. Gongchen Bridge served as a symbol of hospitality and respect for the king. It is the end point of the Grand Canal and a transport hub in the Hangzhou section of the Grand Canal.
來源: 中國網 | 作者:王思楊 | 責編:王思楊 審核:張淵
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