中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間9月28日至29日,第八屆中國國際服務外包交易博覽會在杭州盛大召開,這是杭州第八次舉辦這場國際盛會。
From September 28th to 29th, Beijing time, ChinaSourcing Summit 2017 held in Hangzhou, this is the eighth time the international event held in Hangzhou.
Heads of guild, representatives of investment and trade departments, C-Suite, and service outsourcing enterprises from many countries and regions like the United States, Germany, Holland, Poland, Australia, Japan, India, Singapore, Malaysia and so on gathered in Hangzhou.
Hangzhou is the first model city of service outsourcing in China, and it is also one of the 15 pilot areas for innovation and development of service trade in China. From January, 2017 to August, 2017, the contract amount of service outsourcing contract of Hangzhou was 5.607 billion dollars, and the amount of execution of service outsourcing contracts was4.561 billion dollars. Up to now, the filing services outsourcing enterprises reached 1420, employing more than 35 people.
According to the plan, by 2020, Hangzhou will be built into a national innovation core area, Yangtze River Delta Service Outsourcing cluster integration and development demonstration area, the global service outsourcing destination, and establish "the most valuable service outsourcing city" brand.
(中國網綜合 翻譯 杜依依)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯 杜依依 | 責編:尤迎寧 審核:張淵
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