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China's first local regulations of River Chief System have been implemented in Zhejiang since October
發佈時間:2017-09-29 12:03:46    

  中國網浪潮資訊 中國首個河長制地方性法規《浙江省河長制規定》(以下簡稱“《規定》”)將於10月1日正式實施,這是浙江省深入貫徹實施中央全面推進河長制的具體行動,是對浙江治水實踐的經驗總結,標誌著浙江省河長制將進入法制化運作的新階段。

China's first local regulation of River Chief System, “Regulations of River Chief System of Zhejiang” (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), will be implemented formally on October 1st. This is a concrete action for Zhejiang to implement the central comprehensive promotion of the River Chief System fully, and it is an experience summary of the practice of water-control in Zhejiang, which indicates that the River Chief System of Zhejiang will enter a new stage of legal operation.



On September 29th, the reporter learned from Standing Committee of Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress and Water Control Office of Zhejiang (River Chief Office): as the core system of water-control work, River Chief System is related to people's livelihood, ecology and transformation. The Promulgation and Implementation of "Regulations" provide a legal guarantee for the River Chief System to carry out the work in Zhejiang province, and play a positive role to improve the working mechanism of River Chief System, regulate and promote water-control work and promote the construction of ecological civilization.


Zhejiang was one of the earliest provinces to implement the River Chief System in China. After several years of efforts, the River Chief System has been rooted in people’s heart deeply and promoted steadily in Zhejiang, and a water-control system and a long-term mechanism with the River Chief System as the core have been formed initially. The water environment quality has been optimized continuously. The management of water resources has been strengthened continuously. The management mechanism of rivers and lakes is becoming more and more perfect, and the economic transformation and upgrading have been conducted with remarkable results. Practice has proved that the River Chief System has stepped out of a new route of water control with Zhejiang characteristics in protecting water resources, preventing water pollution, purifying water environment, restoring water ecology and protecting the coastline of water areas.



At present, there are more than 57,000 river chiefs with provincial level, city level and county level, township level and village level, which has realized the full coverage from the big river to the small and micro water wave, and formed a water control system and a long-term mechanism with the River Chief System as the core. The water environment quality has been optimized continuously. In the first half of 2017, the surface water control section of the province accounted for 81% of the class III, 17.2 percentage points higher than in 2013. Poor V kind of water accounted for 0.9%, 11.3 percentage points lower than in 2013.


"Regulations" combined with the practice of "A Total of Five Watertreatment" in Zhejiang, and implemented and perfected the system mechanism of River Chief System further. It highlighted “Five Standreds” such as standardizing settings and responsibilities of river chiefs, standardizing the work responsibility of the River Chief System, standardizing the linkage mechanism between the performance of the river chiefs and departments, standardizing the linkage mechanism between the performance of the river chiefs and the public participation, standardizing assessment and accountability of river chiefs



"Regulations" implements “Governance, management and protection” responsibility of river chiefs further, and regulate the setting of river chief’s public signs and improve the system of river patrolling, reporting, complaint acceptance, key project coordination, meeting and reporting at all levels. It realized river chief’s information platform of the whole province, full coverage of APP platform and WeChat, building a great platform for water-control with functions of financial information inquiry, river patrolling, petition letter and report, making government affairs public, and public participation. It also drives the river system to normalize, legalize and change accurately, and made "Five in Place" truly.


"Regulations" will be officially implemented on October 1st. All localities and departments should take the publicity and implementation of laws as an opportunity, and push forward the river chief system unswervingly. All localities and departments should also strive to provide more practice, material and experience of Zhejiang for the China River Chief System, and meet the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

  (中國網作者 李斌 張雲松報道 翻譯 杜依依)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:李斌 張雲松    | 責編:張雲松    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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