中國網浪潮資訊 美國當地時間9月20日上午9點30分(北京時間21點30分),總部位於杭州的快遞企業百世集團在紐約證券交易所正式掛牌交易,股票代碼為“BSTI”。
On September 20th at 9:30 a.m. Local time (Beijing time 21:30), the headquarters of BEST Express Group which have its headquarters in Hangzhou listed on the New York stock exchange officially with its stock symbol "BSTI".
This time, BEST Express group issued a total of 45 million shares of American Depositary Shares (ADS), the price per share of $10, the total financing amounted to $450 million, becoming the largest IPO of Chinese enterprises which listed in the United States so far this year.
BEST will raise $450 million to provide funding, develop new technology and offer more convenience stores for the expansion of logistics and supply chain network.
(中國網綜合 翻譯 宓文文)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯 宓文文 | 責編:尤迎寧 審核:張淵
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