中國網浪潮資訊 百老彙原版音樂劇《修女也瘋狂》將於9月20日至24日在杭州大劇院正式開演。
The original musical of Broadway --"Sister Act" will begin at the Hangzhou Grand Theater on September 20th to 24th.
本劇由其同名好萊塢電影改編,延續了電影的故事情節和爆笑風格,同時加入了更多的“中國元素”。 除了邀請11項格萊美、9項奧斯卡作曲家艾倫•曼肯重新配樂,主辦方還別出心裁地為中國觀眾製作了“漢化版”劇情,劇中很多中國的特色梗、網路熱詞瞬間拉近了與觀眾間的距離,驚喜歡笑連連。
The play is adapted from Hollywood film with the same name which continues the story of the film and comedy style, and adds more "Chinese elements". The organizers not only invited Alan Menken, the composer who got 11 Grammys, 9 Oscars to reproduce soundtrack for the play, but also creates new styles for the Chinese audience--makes "Chinese version" in the story. Many points with Chinese characteristics, and network hot words in the play instantly narrowed the distance with the audience. The performance is filled with surprise and laughter.
"Sister Act" has 6 performances this time in Hangzhou, which is full of sincerity.
(中國網綜合 翻譯 杜依依)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯 杜依依 | 責編:尤迎寧 審核:張淵
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