Recently, the "Conference Invitation that Thousands of Buddhists of China and the World First Entered The United Nations to Pray For World Peace” circulated on the internet. According to the invitation, the "Thousands of Buddhists of China and the World First Entered The United Nations to Pray For World Peace Conference" sponsored by the United Nations World Buddhist organization and other institutions, invited the president of the Buddhist Association of China, Xuecheng to lead team to take part in it, and participants are required to contribute a minimum of $10 thousand.
For this, we solemnly declare: We and Xuecheng have not received the invitation letter, will not participate in the "Thousands of Buddhists of China and the World First Entered The United Nations to Pray For World Peace Conference". The conference has nothing to do with the Buddhist Association of China. Remind the masses to be vigilant so as not to be deceived.
Hereby declare!
The Buddhist Association of China
September 12th, 2017
(中國網綜合 翻譯 鮑夢依)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯 鮑夢依 | 責編:尤迎寧 審核:張淵
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