中國網浪潮資訊 近日,在第三十二屆全國青少年科技創新大賽閉幕式上,國家海洋局第二海洋研究所的浙江籍科學家韓喜球向青少年分享了她曾為新勘測發現的16個大洋海底地理實體命名的故事。
Recently, at the closing ceremony of the 32nd China Adolescents Science&Technology Innovation Contest, the Zhejiang scientist Han Xiqiu from Second Institute of Oceanography,SOA shared her story that she has ever named 16 oceanic undersea geographical entities found in the new survey to the adolescents.
Han Xiqiu is the first female chief scientist of the Chinese ocean scientific investigation and she has been out to sea for 16 times successively, spending totally more than 800 days on the sea.
In 2005, China launched a plan to investigate polymetallic sulfide resources in the international seabed areas. Thanks to her major, Han Xiqiu naturally became the main force of the first universal scientific investigation sailing section.
At present, she has led the team to find six polymetallic sulfide deposits (points) in the international seabed areas and has delineated more than 50 prospective areas of polymetallic sulfide deposits in the seabed.
(中國網實習生 尤迎寧 作者 楊雲寒 綜合報道 翻譯 陳萍萍)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:實習生 尤迎寧 楊雲寒 綜合報道 翻譯 陳萍萍 | 責編:尤迎寧 審核:張淵
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