中國網浪潮資訊 從18個創始人成立的小公司,到全球4萬阿裏人集結杭州。北京時間9月8日晚,阿里巴巴迎來公司史上最大的一次年會。這場史無前例的世界級年會不僅規模龐大,同時科技感十足。
From a small company founded by 18 people to 40 thousand Ali staffs around the world gathered in Hangzhou. On the evening of September 8th, Beijing time, Alibaba ushered in the largest annual conference in the company's history. This unprecedented world-class annual conference is not only huge but also full of scientific and technological sense.
40 thousand Ali staffs gathered in the city
Volunteers of Ali
The smiling faces of Staffs " shine” Hangzhou
主會場黃龍體育中心和阿里巴巴西溪園區門口懸挂著四塊6m*22m大的巨型噴繪,這四組噴繪是由阿里巴巴全球6萬員工笑臉組成,分別呈現出“親”、“hello world”、阿里巴巴LOGO等字樣。
The main venue, the Huanglong Sports Center and the entrance of Alibaba Xixi Park hung with four 6m*22m giant paintings. These four sets of inkjet are composed of smiling faces of 60 thousand Ali staffs around the world, which show "親", "Hello world", the LOGO of Alibaba and so on.
The scene of Technology exhibition, IOT Bracelet "dazzle technologies"
At Ali's Technical Interactivity Exhibition, lots of "Nuclear weapons" were unveiled, like industrial liquid cooling processor, artificial intelligence -"industrial brain", mechanical arm that performs elaborate painting and writing couplets, big data platform and so on. In addition, the consumer grade "black technology" also makes people seem to enter the future life.
2017 Alibaba Technical Interactivity Exhibition
Mechanical arm that performs elaborate painting and writing couplets
The virtual fitting mirror and makeup mirror with AI technique
(中國網作者 胡金 綜合報道 翻譯:杜依依)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:胡金 翻譯:杜依依 | 責編:胡金 審核:張淵
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