中國網浪潮資訊 9月5日,來自32個國家駐滬領事館、商務機構的代表訪問位於中國華東地區的浙江省的杭州。
Representatives from 32 state consulates and business institutions based in Shanghai visited Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province on Sept 5.
The diplomats' visit was part of the 2017 Hangzhou International Day, in which the city invited 90 international guests to experience Hangzhou's unique culture.
The visitors were taken to a Chinese pharmacy decorated in the style of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). All the guests pronounced themselves amazed by the profundity of China's traditional medicine culture.
Foreign visitors walk on a traditional Chinese-style street on Sept 5 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. [Photo by Shi Xiaofeng/China Daily]
“這些歷史悠久的建築在杭州保存完好,胡慶余堂為代表的杭州中藥文化很好地反映了中國傳統文化,”上海奧地利總領事Brigitte Robinson Seyrlehner首次訪問杭州。
"Those historic buildings are perfectly preserved in Hangzhou. Traditional Hangzhou culture represented by Hu Qing Yu Chinese Pharmacy well reflects traditional Chinese culture," said Brigitte Robinson Seyrlehner, Austrian consul general in Shanghai, who was visiting Hangzhou for the first time.
Hangzhou is famous for its scientific and technological development. During the visit, the visitors were also taken to the city's high-tech zone to see some of the most cutting-edge internet of things technologies being developed by local companies.
Hangzhou International Expo Center, the main venue of the G20 Summit in 2016, was also a stop on the tour.
The guests even got a chance to see a performance ofMost Memorable is Hangzhou, the evening gala performed for world leaders at last year's summit.
A woman takes photos of the ornamental wall at Hangzhou International Expo Center, the main venue of the 2016 G20 Summit in Hangzhou.
烏克蘭駐上海總領事Dometro Ponomarenko説:“杭州與十年前完全不一樣。“現在更美麗,更有活力。”
"Hangzhou is totally different from what it was ten years ago," said Dmytro Ponomarenko, Ukrainian consul general in Shanghai. "It's more beautiful and more energetic now."
In order to further promote Hangzhou to the outside world, more activities will be launched after the consuls' visit, including a worldwide poetry reading event.
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者: | 責編:胡金 審核:張淵
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