中國網浪潮資訊 近日,作者從浙江省能源發展情況發佈會上獲悉:去年,浙江省能源消耗總量較上年有所增長,其中,終端能源消費穩步增長;萬元GDP能耗0.44噸標準煤較去年有所下降。各項數據均顯示,順利完成了年度節能降耗目標。
Recently, the reporter learned from Zhejiang Province Energy Development News Conference that Zhejiang’s total energy consumption was up from a year ago and terminal energy consumption increased steadily among them. Per 10000 Yuan GDP consuming 0.44 tons of standard coal was a decrease from last year. All data showed that the goal of annual energy saving had completed successfully.
To a certain extent, the index of per capita household electricity consumptionreflectsthe level of economic development and the people’s living standard of a country or region. Last year, Zhejiang’s per capita household electricity consumption had reached the level of developed countries.
In terms of generating capacity, last year, the increase in hydropower, wind and solar power generation in Zhejiang province was particularly pronounced. Among them, the generating capacity of pumped storage peaking unit had more than doubledand the amount of wind power generation and solar energy generation both increased over the previous year.
The construction of new energy vehicle charging infrastructure was listed as one of the major projects of energy development in Zhejiang this year.This project, “Million homes’ rooftop photovoltaic”, natural gas “Country to Country” and other projects had completed an investment of 23.35 billion yuan in the first half of the year and achieved 51.6% of the annual progress.
In view of the serious situation of total energy consumption and thetotal social electricity consumption, this year, Zhejiang province would speed up constructing compensated use of the right of consuming energy and trade pilot reform.
(中國網實習生王思楊 作者楊雲寒 綜合報道 翻譯 任嫻)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:中國網實習生王思楊 楊雲寒 綜合報道 翻譯 任嫻 | 責編:王思楊 審核:張淵
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