中國網浪潮資訊 截止至8月31日,寧波保稅區跨境電商累計審核通過進口申報單5281萬單,交易額突破100億元大關。
As of August 31st, the cross-border electricity supplier of Ningbo Bonded Areahas approved the import declaration of 52.81 million, the transaction volume exceeded 10 billion yuan.
Ningbo Bonded Areais the first pilot area of cross-border e-commerce in China. It is also the main position of China (Ningbo) cross-border e-commerce comprehensive experimental area. Its imports accounted for 79.3% of Ningbo's total cross-border imports, ranking the forefront of the national pilot cities.
At present, the pilot of cross-border e-commerce, which was obtained approval to enter the Ningbo Bonded Area, has reached 518. Since its pilot business began in September 2015, accumulated export of nearly 2 billion dollars, accounting for a third of Ningbo's total cross-border export business.
(中國網實習生王思楊 作者楊雲寒 綜合報道 翻譯 鮑夢依)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:中國網實習生王思楊 楊雲寒 綜合報道 翻譯 鮑夢依 | 責編:王思楊 審核:張淵
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