中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間8月16日,以色列駐滬總領事普若璞首次訪問浙江大學,表示將努力推動以色列與浙江在科技創新、高等教育等領域的交流合作。
CNCAO NEWS On August 16th Beijing time, Dr. Eyay Prepper, Consul General of Israel in Shanghai visited Zhjienag University for the first time. He expressed that he would attempt to promote the exchange cooperation in some fields such as technical innovation and higher education between Zhejiang and Israel.
Prepper said, Professor Wu Zhaohui, president of Zhejiang University is an excellent expert in the field of compter and artificial intelligence. According to Wu’s introduction, Prepper knew that Zhejiang University is a historical school which is also filled with fresh thoughts.
Prepper showed, he would promote the exchange coorperation in some field like life science, advanced physics and chemical between universities in Isarael and Zhejiang University.
At present, Zhejiang University has coorperated with Tel Aviv University, University of Haifa and other universities in the fileld of medicine, agriculture, computer, engineering and so on which includes exchange visits and cooperation research of schoolars, student exchanges, etc..
(中國網實習生 尤迎寧 翻譯 尤迎寧)
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