On August 18, China’s first Internet court—Hangzhou Court of the Internet was formally established. It would hear Internet cases in Internet way and network related lawsuits would be as convenient as online shopping. Can you believe it?
The screen showed that the plaintiff was in Hangzhou but the accused was in Beijing. Internet court made ‘ online disputes being settled online’ into reality.
The judge was hearing a case by ‘telekinesis’ online.
On the 18th morning, Hangzhou Court of the Internet was formally opened to be China’s first Internet court.
This means that:Centralized jurisdiction and professional trial of China’s cases related to Internet opened a new charter in Hangzhou.
Hangzhou Court of the Internet would explore Internet ways to hear Internet cases and clients could remain within doors to accomplish the lawsuits through the Internet to realize ‘online disputes being settled online’.
In June of this year, the 36th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms reviewed and approved Proposals on the Establishment of Hangzhou Court of the Internet.
The meeting stressed that:
Establishing Hangzhou Court of the Internet was a major institutional innovation of justices initiatively adapting to the general trend of Internet development.
It would follow the requirements of being according to the law and in order, being positive and reliable, following judicial regulation and satisfying the needs of the masses to explore litigation rules of network related cases, improve the trial mechanism and enhance judicial efficacy. And it would provide judicial protection for maintaining network security, resolving network related disputes, promoting the deep integration of the Internet and economical society and so on.
The electronic evidence cloud monitoring platform of Hangzhou Court of the Internet showed that the amount of storage had been more than 1.5 billion.
Hangzhou Court of the Internet had high-tech number-generating machines to assign different cases to different windows to be handled.
(中國網作者 綜合報道 翻譯:任嫻)
來源: 新華社 | 作者:翻譯:任嫻 | 責編:胡金 審核:張淵
新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com 新聞熱線:13157110107
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