中國網浪潮資訊 虎跑泉是西湖邊上最著名的泉眼之一。以其晶瑩甘冽的水質和豐富的礦物質聞名於世,虎跑泉(Hupao Spring)與著名的龍井茶(龍井茶)很搭配。
The Tiger Spring is one of the most famous springs surrounding West Lake. Noted for its sweet quality and abundant minerals, Tiger Spring (Hupao Spring) goes well with famous longjing tea (dragon-well tea).
虎跑泉的名字來自一個民間傳説。在唐朝元和時期(西元806 - 820),杭州遭遇了旱災。一位著名的僧人來到杭州,他很擔心這種情況,但他無能為力。有一天晚上,故事發生了,和尚夢見了一個神人,神人告訴他,兩隻老虎會被派去幫助他在大慈山挖一個泉眼。
The spring’s name comes from a folk legend. During the Yuanhe Period (AD 806-820) of the Tang Dynasty, Hangzhou was hit by a drought. An eminent monk traveled to Hangzhou was concerned about the situation, but there was nothing he could do. One night, the story goes, the monk dreamed about an immortal who revealed to him that two tigers would be sent to help him dig a spring at Daci Mountain.
The next day the monk went to the place in his dream and saw two tigers had scooped out a hole on the ground and spring water gushed out from the hole. Inspired by the dream, the monk established the Hupao Temple, which gave it its name. Visitors can see the spring today and drink from the spring.
(中國網綜合 翻譯 丁薩)
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