中國網浪潮資訊 據浙江檢驗檢疫局介紹,今年1-6月,浙江局(不含寧波地區,下同)共為22萬批,71億美元的出口貨物簽發自貿協定原産地證書,同比分別增長21.46%和17.95%,簽證量躍居全國第2位,可為浙江出口貨物在進口方享受關稅減免約5.08億美元,創歷史新高。
CNCAO NEWS According to the Zhejiang Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, From January to June this year, Zhejiang Bureau (excluding Ningbo region, the same as the next), a total of 220 thousand batches, and $7.1 billion of export goods signed and issued the certificate of origin of free-tradeagreements, which increased by 21.46% and 17.95% respectively, was the second highest in the country, and which could reduce tariffs on exports of Zhejiang by about $508 million at the importing side, hitting record highs.
The tariff reduction in importing countries can promote the export of Zhejiang products. Specifically, five free trade agreements (hereinafter referred to as the major free trade agreement) between China - ASEAN, China - Korea, China - Australia, China - Chile, China - Pakistan, are being enjoyed throughout the cities of Zhejiang province.Under the framework of five free trade agreements, tariffs were about $470 million and the value of the goods was $6,122 million.
(中國網作者 胡金 綜合報道 翻譯:鮑夢依)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:胡金 翻譯:鮑夢依 | 責編:胡金 審核:張淵
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