中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間7月30日,浙江海寧中心醫院首次引進一款基於人工智慧技術的軟體應用程式“虛擬醫生”並投入病人看護工作。
CNCAO Haining Central Hospital in Jiaxing has introduced "virtual doctor", a computer based software application backed by AI technology to aid in patient assistant on July 30.
The software, which incorporates a terminal in the computer, is programmed to make follow-up calls to patients based on their medical records and in the process free doctors from excessive follow-up visits.
Follow-up visits refer to correspondence between doctors and patients on a regular basis. It is an important component of regular hospital work. The application was developed considering the fact that patients far outnumber medical staff.
This is how the application works: "virtual doctor" will call patients in a human voice and give suggestions based on patients' health conditions. It can call numerous patients at the same time and record the patients' voice. After every call the AI assistant records patients' data and offers clinical schemes to doctors.
At present, up to 2,000 people see a doctor in Haining Central Hospital per day. The introduction of "virtual doctor" according to the report can transform patients' visit from "one to one" to "one to more", break the time and space limitation between doctors and patients and establish a long-effective means for follow-up visits.
Patients showed trust in the AI assistant during an on-site experience at the launch basically because it uses a simulated human voice and tone rather than an impersonal robotic voice.
(中國網實習生 金燦燦 作者 楊雲寒 綜合 翻譯 金燦燦)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:中國網實習生 金燦燦 楊雲寒 綜合 翻譯 金燦燦 | 責編:胡金 審核:張淵
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