中國網浪潮資訊 日前,由浙江省派遣的第25批中國援馬利醫療隊一行25人踏上為期18個月的援非征程。援非醫療是中國對外交往的一張金名片。早在1968年,浙江省就已經向非洲馬利共和國派出首支醫療隊,目前已派出24批醫療隊,共計700多人次,為當地提供門、急診服務總計931萬多人次.近50年來,因為一代又一代醫務工作者的堅持,馬利這個名字與浙江緊密相連。
CNCAO NEWS Recently, 25 people of the twenty-fifth batch of Chinese medical team come from Zhejiang to aid Mali during 18-month journey. Giving the medical assistance to Africa is the key measure for China’s external relations. Zhejiang has sent its first medical team to Mali in 1968, up to now, Zhejiang has sent 24 batches of medical team and more than 700 people to Mali and more than 9.31 million people have been treated with office-based measure or emergency treatment. Mali has close relationship with Zhejiang because this endless assistance during this 50 years.
The medical workers from Zhejiang are mainly working at the Mali hospital which build by China in Madrid. With the help of relative organization and Zhejiang medical team, the medical environment and equipments here has turned to better from poor and deserve the name of Radiation Therapy center now.
(中國網實習生金燦燦 作者楊雲寒 綜合 翻譯 金燦燦)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:中國網實習生金燦燦 楊雲寒 綜合 翻譯 金燦燦 | 責編:胡金 審核:張淵
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