Shengzhou, the home of bamboo, is located to the east of Zhejiang province, adjoining Shaoxing and Ningbo. During the Wei and Jin dynasties (220-420), the people of Shengzhou began to use bamboo to weave items to help with daily life. Gradually, bamboo weaving in Shengzhou evolved into a folk handicraft.
Items such as goose-shaped baskets, duck-shaped pans, and chicken-shaped pots are just some of the highlights of bamboo weaving crafts in Shengzhou. The items are not only good for practical use but are also kept as ornamental items.
With upwards of 200 weaving techniques, Shengzhou’s bamboo industry now provides a total of 3,000 kinds of weaving products including baskets, pots, trays, pans and so on.
With its bamboo crafts popular with customers at home and abroad, Shengzhou bamboo weaving enjoys a reputation for being the best in the world. Its technological level, product quality, production capacity and equipment are second to none. Many fine crafts have been given to heads of foreign countries as national gifts.
In 2006, Shengzhou bamboo weaving was included in the national intangible cultural heritage.
(中國網綜合 翻譯 尤迎寧)
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