中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間7月24日,在印度尼西亞日惹舉辦的第48屆國際物理奧林匹克競賽傳來喜訊,中國隊的五名選手都以突出的成績進入了總分前六名,並都獲得了金牌,其中一位來自浙江——王準。此次比賽,共有來自86個國家和地區的395名選手參賽。
CNCAO NEWS On July 24th Beijing time, a good news came from the 48th International Physical Olympiad in Indonesia that five Chinese competitors ranked five of the top 6 and all won the gold medals. Wangzhun, one of the chinese competitors , is from Zhejiang. 395 competitors from 86 nations and regions participated the match.
It is learned that it’s the third gold medal of International Olympia that high school students from Zhejiang won. Previously, the Chinese team won 5 gold medals and 1 silver medal with the total scores of 159 which ranked 2 on the team game in the 58th International Methematical Olypiad. Jiang yuanyang, the student from Ningbo Yinzhou High School, got the gold medal.
(中國網實習生 尤迎寧 作者 楊雲寒 綜合報道 翻譯 尤迎寧)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:實習生 尤迎寧 楊雲寒 綜合報道 翻譯 尤迎寧 | 責編:胡金 審核:張淵
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