中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間7月22日上午,2017中國杭州國際名校賽艇挑戰賽在杭州西湖水域正式開賽,這也是西湖水域首次舉辦的國際型賽事。來自耶魯大學、哈佛大學、倫敦大學、布朗大學、雪梨大學、清華大學和浙江大學在內的16支國際名校賽艇隊“鏖戰”西湖。
CNCAO NEWS On July 22nd morning Beijing time, the 2017 International Universities Rowing Regatta of Hangzhou China kick off in Hangzhou West Lake waters, it is also the first international competition held in West Lake waters. The 16 international elite rowing teams from Yale University, Harvard University, University of London, Brown university, the University of Sydney, Tsinghua University and Zhejiang University, "battled" in the West Lake.
As one of the most popular sports events recognized by the International Olympic Committee, rowing is a typical example of competitive sports in colleges and universities. The challenge is the eight-person boat rowing system, the men and women each 1,000 meters. In the end, University of Sydney and University of Otago respectively respectively won the champions of men's and women's 2000m Eight oars helmsman race.
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:中國網 | 責編:安靜 審核:張淵
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