中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間7月21日上午8時40分,杭州城西古墩路新世紀花苑小區一處餐館發生煤氣瓶燃爆。據杭州市西湖區人民政府通報,截至上午10時45分火勢已被撲滅,事故已造成2人死亡,55人受傷,其中12人傷勢較重,傷員已送往浙江省立同德醫院等7家醫院救治。
CNCAO NEWS At 8:40 a.m.of July 21st Beijing time, a gas canister explodes at a restaurant in the New Century Huayuan district, Gudun road,at the west of Hangzhou. According to the People's Government of Xihu District, Hangzhou, as of 10:45 a.m., the fire had been put out and 2 people have been killed and 55 people injured, 12 of them are seriously injured and the injured people have been treated at seven hospital,such as Tongde hospital of Zhejiang province.
Che Jun,secretary of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the CPC,and chairman of Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Zhejiang province, said, Hangzhou is required to do everything to treat the injured people, to identify the cause of the accident, and promptly investigate the hidden dangers of urban public security.
(中國網作者 楊雲寒 翻譯:鮑夢依)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:楊雲寒 | 責編:胡金 審核:張淵
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