中國網浪潮資訊 近日,國務院辦公廳公佈新建國家級自然保護區名單,浙江安吉小鯢國家級自然保護區上榜。迄今為止,浙江已有11處國家自然保護區,而安吉小鯢國家級自然保護區也是浙江唯一以動物命名的國家級自然保護區。
CNCAO NEWS Recently, the General Office of the State Council released a list of new national nature reserves. Zhejiang Hynobius Amjiensis National Nature Reserve is on the list. There have been 11 national nature reserves so far in Zhejiang, among which Hynobius Amjiensis National Nature Reserve is the only one named after the animal.
This nature reserve is located in the southwest of Anji County, Zhejiang Province, at the junction of Anji County, Lin’an City and Ningguo City, and adjacent to Zhejiang Tianmu Mount National Nature Reserve. With an area of 1242.5 hectares and “the first peak of northern Zhejiang” Dragon King Mountain, Hynobius Amjiensis National Nature Reserve is one of the areas that enjoys the most abundant species of animals and plants in the province. The forest coverage rate in this whole reserve reaches 95.8%, which is the most important water source area of Shanghai Huangpu River and reputed as “the source of Huangpu River”.
Zhejiang Hynobius Amjiensis National Nature Reserve boasts of 27 species of national key protected wild animals, focusing on the protection of rare and endangered species like hynobius amjiensis and Parrotia subaequalis.
(中國網綜合 翻譯 尤迎寧)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯 尤迎寧 | 責編:陳丹娜 審核:張淵
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