中國網浪潮資訊 日前,杭州與上海簽署了《滬嘉杭G60科創走廊戰略合作協議》。協議中的這條科創走廊,長約180公里,以G60高速為紐帶,將沿線的上海市松江區、嘉興和杭州等長三角重要城市串聯起來,以交通網路為基礎,打破松江、嘉興、杭州等地的行政區劃限制,使得人才、技術、資金、裝置、機構、項目、政策等要素自由流動、自由組合,産生“1+1>2”的效應。
CNCAO NEWS Recently, Hangzhou and Shanghai signed Cooperative Agreement of Shanghai Jiaxing Hangzhou Branch Corridor G60 of Scientific Innovation Initiative. The corridor mentioned in the initiative is as long as about 180 kilometers with G60 Highway being its bond to build series connection of Songjiang District in Shanghai along the route as well as Jiaxing, Hangzhou and other important cities in Yangtz River Delta. With the basis of traffic network, it will break up the limits of administrative divisions in these places to render talents, techniques, capital, equipments, institutes, policies and other elements to be in free flowing and free combination, which will lead to the effect of "1+1>2".
In the future, this brand new Shanghai Jiaxing Hangzhou Branch Corridor G60 of Scientific Innovation will undertake the dream of "leading centralized area of innovative industries and pilot area of national scientific and technical structural reform".
(中國網見習作者 丁薩 綜合報道 翻譯 孫吳琦)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:見習丁薩 孫吳琦譯 | 責編:楊雲寒 審核:張淵
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