中國網浪潮資訊 針對唱衰溫州的“溫州過時論”,近日溫州市委書記周江勇公開駁斥並稱溫州仍在影響全球。
CNCAO NEWS Recently, Zhou Jiangyong, the Secretary of Wenzhou Municipal Committee publicly refuted"Wenzhou outdated theory",something that damaged the reputation of Wenzhou, saying that Wenzhou is still affecting the whole world.
It is understood that although the Wenzhou model has been affected by the internet,however, the Wenzhou businessmen,who always go first, has established a more efficient channel between producers and consumers than in the past, through technical means.Wenzhou people used to break into the market throughout the country and build markets throughout the country. Now they have developed into finding markets around the world.
自上世紀80年代,著名經濟學家費孝通解讀為“小商品、大市場”的“溫州模式”起。 溫州一直是中國民營經濟的風向標,研究溫州模式發展路徑的得與失,對浙江乃至中國未來發展有著十分重要的意義。
Since the 80s of last century, Fei Xiaotong, a famous economist, interpreted as the "Wenzhou model" of "small commodities and big market".Wenzhou has always been a barometer of Chinese private economy. It is very important for Zhejiang and even China to study the gains and losses of the development of the Wenzhou model.
"In the future, Wenzhou will be a city, with deep fusion of‘people, production, city’and a strong comprehensive competitiveness."Zhou Jiangyong described the vision of Wenzhou .
(中國網見習作者 胡金 作者 楊雲寒 綜合報道 翻譯:鮑夢依)
來源: 中國網綜合 | 作者:胡金 楊雲寒 綜合報道 翻譯:鮑夢依 | 責編:胡金 審核:張淵
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