中國網浪潮資訊 第二屆中國(浙江)高鐵旅遊節暨旅遊嘉年華于7月6日在杭州火車東站拉開序幕。本次旅遊節將舉辦中國(杭州)國際茶服節、“燃情秋冬”旅遊展示周以及杭州(國際)旅遊文化博覽會等多場重量級活動。
CNCAO NEWS The second China (Zhejiang) High Speed Train Tourism Festival kicked off on July 6 at Hangzhou East Railway Station. Activities including China (Hangzhou) International Tea Clothes Festival, “Flaming Autumn & Winter” travel presentation week, and Hangzhou (International) Tourism Culture Expo will be held during the festival.
“This year’s carnival will promote the communication with other cities on culture, travel, and resources sharing” said Deng Yong, vice president of Qiantang River New City Culture Media Co. The city’s people will benefit significantly from the activities. In addition, Hangzhou and Kaifeng plan to hold “North and South Song Dynasty Travel Week” this year, when you can take high speed trains to Kaifeng to experience the time travel.
(中國網實習生 尤迎寧 作者 楊雲寒 綜合 翻譯 尤迎寧)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:實習生 尤迎寧 楊雲寒 綜合 翻譯 尤迎寧 | 責編:安靜 審核:張淵
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