中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間7月1日,2017全球創新設計大會暨洛客大會在寧波召開,會上集中展示了全球首款中英互譯神器“曉譯翻譯機”、能讀懂你想法的首款智慧家居産品“Roome智慧晚安燈”、倒進滾燙的熱水,搖一搖就能秒變溫水的55度杯等黑科技産品。
CNCAO NEWS On July 1 Beijing Time, LKKER Conference 2017 & Global Innovation Design Conference inaugurated in Ningbo, on which intensively displayed black-tech products like "Xiao-yi translating machine", the first artifact which could do English-Chinese translation works in the world, "Roome Intelligent good-night light", the first intelligent household items which could understand your ideas, 55℃ cup turning boiling hot water into warm water only via shaking and so on.
This conference focused on hotspots of sharing economy along with integrating transboundary resources with the goal to render enterprises, designers and users to be connected with each other to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industry.
Besides, this conference also created chances for Ningbo to "build up an international famous port city and the place of oriental civilization" in the field of innovative design getting high-end resources in the world. And it played an active role in helping the construction of pilot city of "Made in China 2025" with innovative design.
(中國網作者 張雲松 綜合報道 翻譯 孫吳琦)
來源: 中國網 | 作者:張雲松 孫吳琦 | 責編:張雲松 審核:張淵
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