中國網浪潮資訊 北京時間6月30日,經國際標準化組織(ISO)授權,杭州成為全球首個“國際標準化會議”基地。
CNCAO NEWS On June 30 Beijing Time, Hangzhou has became the world’s first "International Standardization Conference" Base authorized by International Standardization Organization (ISO).
According to the introduction from Zhang Xiaogang, the Chairman of ISO, the reason why Hangzhou received good graces was that Hangzhou brought in the concept of standardization, walked in front of the world and played a demonstrated role to the other countries.
A few years ago, Hangzhou launched “ The Executive Summary about Hangzhou accelerating the internationalization of city (2015-2017)” to promote the internationalization of the city. Hangzhou has completed 23 international standards so far, accounting for 1/8 of the whole country.
It is said that ISO whose headquarter was in Geneva is in Hangzhou Base, a large number of international standardization conferences will move from Geneva to Hangzhou in the future. After the G20 Summit and B20 Summit, Hangzhou has held 12 international conferences, ranking 10th in the country.
It is known that Hangzhou will build a urban agglomeration of " Destinations of International Conference" combines with the cities in Yangtze River Delta.
來源: 中國網 | 作者:見習邱玉潔 陳萍萍譯 | 責編:邱玉潔 審核:張淵
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